Our Training Approach

Agricultural Discipleship in Action

Trainer Selection

Candidates are selected to be trained and receive EFI’s International Certificate in Conservation Agriculture (ICCA).

Team Forming

Training teams are formed to focus on a specific country or context.

Strategic Planning

The broader program staff assists each team in developing an effective strategy to bring training to its focus area.

Training of Trainers

Local churches replicate conservation agriculture training in their communities.


Local churches reach out and disciple through the program, building the Kingdom.

Continued Discipleship

Local churches continue agricultural discipleship to support adoption of the agricultural methods.

Next Steps

Toward Sustainable Kingdom Growth

Agronomic Benefits

Rural families will multiply their production between four and tenfold while reducing their expenses and reliance on agricultural loans.

Water Solutions

The EFI Applied Tech Well-drilling Training allows farmers to self-fund and install small wells where needed to handle drought.

Learn more about our approach to water.

Money Management

Crown Stewardship Training in money management helps families manage increased income from the agricultural development process.

This also helps disciple the families and guide them to use these resources for the Kingdom.

Market Linkages

Market access and cash crop systems training allow additional cash income to increase with increased production.

Savings Groups

Savings groups allow communities to self-fund additional agricultural venture infrastructure, which will increase their access to markets and allow for irrigation when needed.

Extending Our Reach

Our extended agriculture team walks with our partners to help them develop their own in-house training programs, develop funding to expand these training programs, and diversify the application of conservation agriculture into other areas of agro-production.

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